Impact Factor: 5.6     h-index: 28

Document Type : Review Article


Department of Accounting, Islamic Azad University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran


Interactions between emotional and environmental factors shape the human`s behaviour and cause people to demonstrate different reactions to the same subjects. Some of the inner effective factors that influence the brain function are genetic, physiology, biology, biochemistry and etc. Hormones and neurotransmitters are biochemical that leak to the body liquids like blood, through the circulatory system spreading all over the body and finally affecting the function of the target organs function such as brain and consequently decision making and behavioural processes. Like all behaviours, financial decisions are directly associated with the biochemistry of the brain and hormones functions. Different hormones variously influence human’s behaviours and assessing the reason, intensity and direction of this association have drawn scholar’s attention of the various field of studies and have made a multidisciplinary subject that links finance, economy, neuroscience, neurology, ethology and other specialties. The current study reviewed some of the most significant and recent investigations in the period of 2015-2019 associated with the effect of dopamine and oxytocin on the human financial behaviours especially risk attitude and risk taking.

Graphical Abstract

Biochemical Hormones and Financial Behaviours: A Mini Review on Dopamine and Oxytocin (2015-2019)


Main Subjects

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